Welcome to the Global Tech Advocates Launch Pad!
This platform is a global resource hub supported by input from our GTA Leaders, Partners, Sponsors and central team to help tech businesses looking to expand beyond their home market(s). It is a free platform for anyone to use.
We would be grateful if you would complete the information to register for free access. We are asking for a few items of data: i) which location(s) you are interested to expand to, (ii) your business/tech sector, and (iii) size so that we can further develop the correct type of resources available in the hub for future use to support scaling businesses.
This is a first step for us, and like all that we do, we are starting small and looking to grow and expand the platform to further support our global community. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to be featured as a sponsor or partner, please let us know by sending an email to: [email protected]
Thank you for visiting the GTA Launch Pad and hope it is helpful to you and your company.