Meet the
GTA leads

Álvaro Carrizosa

Group Lead, Tech Bogotá Advocates

Industrial Engineer, BA International Finance; MSc in Business Project Management and PhD in Management Systems. More than 20 years’ experience in the educational sector, performing directive, academic and managerial positions including university rector. Master’s degree with distinction at the University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, which led to an Alstom-Power scholarship to develop a PhD at that European multinational corporation, using and action-research approach. Best Latin American Lecturer Award in 2014 from ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs), USA. Currently, board member of ACBSP and Colombia Excelente, two organizations dedicated to promoting academic excellence. Former board member of Banco Caja Social, the university of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, and Gimnasio Moderno and Anglo Colombiano, two of Bogota ́s most traditional schools. Funding partner of Lumni Colombia, pioneer organization in Latin America, funding more than ten thousand students through innovative human capital contracts.