Did you know that 8 out of 10 adults have been asked to be silent? This kind of experience often results in vocal wounds, inhibiting us from expressing ourselves and from connecting with others.
The way we use our voice reflects how we take the room, how we express needs and draw boundaries and it’s a key component when we want to induce trust and respect. As one of the most effective tools in our personal communication style, using it well can be the make or break in many situations.
When we engage through our screens, our voice is even more important than in real life encounters. With three out of five senses as passive – smell, taste and touch – sight and audio is everything.
Our voice has a unique ability to connect. It can convey our intelligence and humanness in a way that far exceeds the written word.
Join us and learn more!
Topics will include:
• Why is the voice so connected to our confidence?
• How come so many of us don’t like our voice?
• What can I do to unleash the power of my own voice?